Hinchinbrook Channel

We left Trunk Reef and came into the coast in order to take a detour through Hinchinbrook Channel.
Hinchinbrook Island is about 25 miles long and the channel between it and the mainland is about half a mile wide at the south and two miles at the north end. Both the island and the adjacent coast are mountainous and wooded so the channel is very picturesque and has many mangrove-lined creeks going off from it. We anchored one night near a small island, and the second night at the north end.
We also called in at Cardwell, a small town on the mainland side, to shop. The visit was a challenge because a breeze was blowing onto the beach building up a small surf. When we got back it was a struggle to get the dinghy back out to the boat. We did score some veggies, though!
Now we've come back out to the reef and are anchored at Yamacutta Reef. We'll dive here tomorrow but the weather looks like it will make us go back to the coast the next day. We'll head for Mourilyan Harbour.