If it's Friday it must be Tonga
We toured the island by car to see some more traditional villages. The Samoan people are very hospitable and friendly, both here and in American Samoa.
We snorkeled in Palolo Deep Marine Reserve, close by Apia, and made three scuba dives near there too. Visibility was poor - about 30 feet - but we saw loads of unfamiliar fish on every dive.
We left early Wednesday for Tonga. After one night at sea, we arrived in Niuatoputapu where it was Friday! We have crossed the International Date Line and although the time did not change, the date did! (Samoa is GMT-11, Tonga is GMT+13)
Niuatoputapu is the most northerly of the Tongan islands which run north-south over maybe 500 miles. There is only one populated but undeveloped island here; the three groups to the south contain 170 islands of which 35 are populated.
We expect to stay here a week, but it will depend on the weather. The trip here was rough with choppy 6-7' seas on our beam. Hopefully, we can find some better conditions to continue south.