Mas Camps and Panyards

Trinidad is gearing up for Carnival. Although the main Carnival Days are Monday and Tuesday 27/28th February, there are many competitions and much preparation taking place in the weeks before.
Last night we visited some Mas camps. These are the places that design, plan sell and manufacture Carnival costumes. Each Mas Band has a theme for the year - Trini Revellers, for example, have a Roman theme - so all the costumes are around this theme; they have gladiators, Roman generals, senators, etc., etc. Trinis who want to join this group pick their costume and order it well before the Carnival days. Prices are typically 1300-1800 TT dollars ($200-300 USD). The Mas bands also each have a King or a Queen. These are people with huge elaborate costumes, based on the theme, that are so large they are on wheels. They are judged in a series of heats and semis and one of each will be selected at the Carnival launch event. (Dimanche Gras on Sunday 26th)
After the Mas camps we visited a couple of Panyards where the steel bands rehearse. They also have a whole series of competitions culminating in the National Panorama on Saturday 25th.